


HATHA YOGA classes are open to everyone, from yoga regulars to complete beginners.
We provide all the necessary equipment, including yoga mats, but you are free to bring your own if you wish

1 hour
Maximum participants 4
Minimum 2 participants


Yoga hotel Paris

Maël, who has Indian roots, completed his Hatha yoga training in an ashram in India. This apprenticeship was for him an intense and enriching experience, having lived and studied under the guidance of experienced yogi masters, immersing himself deeply in the philosophy and traditional practices of yoga.

Passionate about the benefits of yoga, his classes include breathing exercises, postures and meditation.

Through these practices, Maël guides you towards inner serenity and postural balance. 


Yoga classes: a complete experience

Each class begins with a breathing exercise to maintain the lungs.
Breathing is an essential component of yoga, called "pranayama" in traditional terms.

Pranayama consists in controlling the breath through various techniques, helping to purify the body and mind. This initial step prepares each individual for the practice of asanas (stable, comfortable postures), enabling them to breathe deeply in each position.

Deep breathing improves the circulation of oxygen in the blood, helps relaxation and enhances mental concentration.

Breathing: the foundation of yoga

By practicing deep breathing, participants can feel a noticeable difference in their mental and physical state.

For example, a commonly used technique is alternate nostril breathing, or "Anulom Vilom". This technique balances the body's energy channels and calms the nervous system. 

Asanas: the art of postures

The asanas maintain the body and form the centerpiece of a hatha yoga class. Hatha yoga focuses on the alignment and integration of each movement.

Each posture is designed to stretch and strengthen different muscle groups, while improving flexibility and balance. For example, the head-down dog pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana) stretches the spine, hamstrings and calves, while strengthening the arms and shoulders.

Concentration and balance

The practice consists of concentrating on our posture and balance, while remaining aware of our breathing. 

Concentration is essential to maintain balance and alignment in each posture.

For example, in the tree posture (Vrikshasana), the practitioner stands on one leg, with the other foot placed against the thigh or calf, and hands clasped in front of the chest or raised above the head. This posture develops not only physical balance but also mental stability.

Relaxation and harmony

Relaxation at the end of the session is accompanied by singing bowls and Tibetan bowls, creating a harmonious, soothing atmosphere.

Singing bowls, often made of metal or quartz crystal, produce sounds and vibrations that penetrate deep into the body and mind. These vibrations can help release accumulated tension and promote a state of deep relaxation.

The impact of sound on relaxation

The sounds produced by these instruments during relaxation promote a gentle, sonorous integration of the asanas. The vibrations of singing bowls have been used for centuries for healing and meditation.

They are said to harmonize the body's chakras, or energy centers, and help restore energetic balance. The combination of soothing sounds and subtle vibrations creates a meditative experience that can enhance overall well-being.

A nourishing practice

Treat yourself to a practice that nourishes body, mind and spirit. Yoga is more than just a physical activity; it's a path to self-discovery and holistic well-being. By integrating breathing, postures and sound relaxation, each yoga class becomes an enriching and balanced experience.

The benefits of yoga are vast and include improved physical health, stress reduction, increased mental clarity and a deeper connection with oneself.

The many benefits of yoga

The benefits of yoga don't stop there. Studies show that regular yoga practice can lower blood pressure, improve sleep quality, strengthen the immune system and even increase life expectancy.

What's more, yoga is an inclusive practice, accessible to everyone, whatever their age or fitness level. Whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced practitioner, each class can be tailored to your individual needs.

Integrating yoga into daily life

Integrating yoga into daily life may seem difficult at first, but with a little dedication and regularity, it becomes second nature.

Start by BOOK a few minutes each day for breathing or a short asana sequence. Over time, you'll notice that these moments of practice bring greater serenity and balance to your daily life.

Yoga and mental well-being

Yoga is also recognized for its positive effects on mental health. As well as reducing stress and anxiety, it can help combat depression and improve overall mood.

The meditation and mindfulness techniques taught in yoga are particularly effective in cultivating a positive, resilient attitude to life's challenges.

The holistic approach to yoga

Yoga is a holistic approach that takes into account all aspects of the person: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It's more than just physical exercise; it's a way of life that encourages inner peace, self-acceptance and harmony with the outside world.

With regular yoga practice, you develop a heightened awareness of your own body and its needs, leading to better health and lasting well-being.

yoga paris hotel
yoga hotel paris 11

Frequently asked questions about these yoga classes

What is special about the Hatha yoga offered in your hotel?

Hatha yoga at our hotel is a traditional form of yoga that emphasizes breathing, meditation and physical postures. It is ideal for beginners and those seeking a gentler practice to improve flexibility and reduce stress.

What to expect during a session

Our Hatha yoga sessions generally last an hour and include a warm-up, a series of postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), and a final relaxation period to harmonize body and mind.

Do I need any previous experience to take part in a Hatha yoga session?

No, our Hatha yoga sessions are open to all levels, from beginners to experienced yogis. Our instructors are qualified to adapt the postures to each individual's level.

What are the main benefits of the Hatha yoga practiced in our hotel?

Hatha yoga helps improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, reduce stress, improve breathing and promote better posture and concentration.

Do I need to bring my own mat or other equipment for the Hatha yoga session?

We provide all the necessary equipment, including yoga mats, blocks, straps and blankets, but you are free to bring your own if you wish.

What times are Hatha yoga sessions scheduled at your hotel?

Our Hatha yoga sessions are available every morning from 8am to 9am. Private sessions can also be booked in advance.

How can guests sign up for a Hatha yoga session at your hotel?

Guests can register for our Hatha yoga sessions by contacting reception or booking directly via our website or mobile app.

Are there any health restrictions to consider?

We recommend that all participants consult their doctor before starting any new fitness activity, especially if they have any pre-existing medical conditions.

Where do these courses take place every morning?

Classes are held at the hotel's address: 9 rue moret 75011 PARIS
Classes are held in the hotel's vinyl room, specially fitted out for the occasion.

What are the rates?

The fee is 25 euros per session